Welcome to the PSA School Web Page
Here you can find out about who we are and what we do as a committee, how your donations and fundraising benefit the pupils of St. Michael’s Primary school, as well as how you can get involved and become a dedicated part of the PSA team.
You can always get in touch with the PSA committee by dropping us an email or catching us on the playground during drop off or pick up.
We'll regally update the PSA Event and Fundraising Blog with news, information, so please keep popping back to see what new.
Email –
Who We Are
Our current PSA committee members are:
Chair - Gary Olliffe
Vice Chair - Matthew Singleton
Treasurer - Vacant
Secretary - Laura Spinks
Fundraising Coordinator - Vacant
Tony Light – Committee Member
Lisa Hodgkiss - Committee Member
Emma Waterhouse - Committee Member
Nina Braisier - Committee Member
What We Do
The PSA is a is a registered charity (number 1138881) ran by committed team of parents and carers who give their time on a voluntary basis and work closely with Mrs Carpenter and the wider school team in organising and hosting fundraising activities and events.
For further information on up-and-coming events please see the dedicated PSA event blog
How The Fundraising Is Spent
The funds we raise are spent in a variety of ways, form additional class resources, outdoor play and learning equipment, to the children’s Christmas pantomime performance and Year 6 leavers jacket
How To Become A PSA Member
The PSA are always looking for new members, to help bring new ideas to the table, organise fundraising events as well as support with the hosting and delivery of events.
Everyone with a link to St. Michael’s is free to join the PSA, whether you’re a Parent or Carer, Grandparent, or older sibling, the PSA is keen for your involvement! We also welcome support from any business that would like to work with us.
If you are interested in becoming a committee member or supporting the school PSA in any way, please drop us an email.
Email –