Welcome to Tulips
We are a curious crew on a fun learning adventure!
We are a lovely bunch of Year 1 children. There are 26 children in our class. Mrs Okiwe and Mrs Charlesworth are the class teachers. Mrs Okiwe works Monday - Wednesday. Mrs Charlesworth teaches Thursday and Friday.
- PE is on Thursday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE clothing.
- Please bring a coat every day even if the weather is sunny.
- Children are encouraged to leave a pair of wellies in the cloakroom to change into on wet, muddy days.
- Water bottles should be brought to school every day.
- Make sure all clothing, water bottles and book bags are clearly named with your child's name.
- Children are given a Rhino Readers reading book on their selected day. Please ensure their reading book is in school everyday. Please hear your child read at least three times a week and sign their reading diary. During the week your child will take home a 'Free Choice' book. This book is for your child to share with you.
- Spelling tests take place every Monday. Your child will take home a new set of spellings on a Monday to learn for the following week.
- No toys are to be brought into school.
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