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At Farnsfield St Michael’s, Geography is taught mainly through a topic based approach. We teach children to become open-minded and enquiring thinkers. We provide children with the opportunity to do field work and use a variety of different resources in their Geography lessons. Our residential visits have a keen emphasis on the teaching of Geography.

In Foundation the children take part in 'Forest Friday' and explore their local surroundings and community.

In KS1 children participate in a wide range of visits in the locality. Year 2 have an overnight camp on the school field.

In KS2, residential visits include York and Castleton in Years 3 and 4 and Boggle Hole and Hagg Farm in Years 5 and 6.

Farnsfield St Michael’s has a two-year rolling cycle to ensure a full and varied curriculum coverage.

As we have moved to a new style curriculum most of the Geography teaching and learning will take place in the Summer term. This will be a whole school approach and will be called 'Explore.' 

We have themed days throughout the school year and hold regular Outdoor Learning Days. These cover a range of Geography skills, including: map reading and drawing, orienteering, field studies and weather.