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Religious Education

Our rich RE curriculum is rooted in both the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity. RE lessons form one hour of our weekly timetable from Year One, in Foundation explore knowledge of self and others, and celebrations, igniting children’s natural curiosity and laying a strong groundwork on which to build further learning.

RE at Farnsfield St Michael’s seeks to provide children with a living knowledge of the many different faiths around us, particularly of Christianity, whose values we hold at our core. It is with a firm knowledge of faith that children can begin to develop their wider knowledge of the world community, living out our values of acceptance and respect for all.

As a staff, we ensure we challenge children's rapidly developing minds through philosophical hermeneutics, theological discussion and glimpses into the real lives of people of faith globally. Equipping our children with enquiry skills that enable critical thinking, a skill which transcends the world of religious education.

The vibrant nature of these sessions make RE an inclusive subject, accessible and challenging for all.

Throughout the year we try to involve members of our local faith communities in our lessons. We also strive to take the children out of school to experience sacred places within Nottinghamshire and beyond.

The subject is well enjoyed by the vast majority of our children, largely due to the creative and thoughtful way in which staff prepare and deliver such lively and engaging RE!