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Welcome to 

 Brilliant Buttercups!

We are the best year group in the school! We have lots of fun learning through play and exploring. 

Our teachers is Mrs Foxall and our teaching assistants are Mrs Jamie, Miss Hope and Mrs Taylor. On Wednesday Mornings Mr Yates teaches us PE! 

Please remember:

  • Our P.E. day is on a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E. kit on this day. 
  • Make sure all items of clothing, book bags and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name.
  • Please ensure you are listening to your child read three times per week with a signed entry in the diary. 
  • Please keep wellies and a raincoat in school so that we can be outside in all weathers. In the winter, please make sure your child comes to school in a warm coat. In warmer weather please ensure your child has a sunhat and if necessary suncream applied. 
  • No toys are to be brought into school. 
  • Learning through play can be messy! We endeavour to keep the children clean using aprons but sometimes mess on clothes is unavoidable. 

Little Explorers

Here at St Michael's, we are blessed to have amazing school grounds. We make good use of our school ground and spend as much time as we can outside. We passionately believe that taking our learning outdoors provides the children with rich opportunities to learn real life skills, in an environment where they can seek adventure, make sense of the physical world around them and enhance their well-being!

January 2024

  • Spring Newsletter

    Published 11/01/24, by Vicki Collett

    Please see the Spring 1 Newsletter attached below.

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  • Spring 1 & 2 - Where can we see art in our lives?

    Published 04/01/24, by Vicki Collett

    "He has made everything beautiful in its time" - Ecclesiastes 3:11

    This term, our topic is 'Art is all around Me!'. The children will be learning about the different forms of art, all around them. We will be developing our artistic skills this term, with a particular focus on colour mixing. As the term unfolds, children will be learning about famous artists such as Monet. 

    Creating art work using developed colour mixing skills will equip the children with autonomy when creating. This will empower the children to persevere in the face of a challenge, to enable them to reach desired artistic outcomes. Perseverence is an important (rainbow) value to live by. 

    The topic this term will also give the children an opportunity to see the beauty in our natural world through adventure and exploration when studying the astonishing life cycle of a frog and of a butterfly.

    Observing the wildlife around us will teach the children to look after our natural world and be grateful for everything our world has to offer.

    In Spring 1, to explore our topic, we will be studying the following stories: 'The Gruffalo', 'The Gruffalo's Child', 'The Snail and the Whale' and 'Room on the Broom', all written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler.

    In Spring 2, to explore our topic, we will be studying the following stories: 'The Bog Baby' and 'Tadpole's Promise' by Jeanne Willis, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle and 'The First Easter' by Lois Rock.

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January 2024