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Welcome to 

 Brilliant Buttercups!

We are the best year group in the school! We have lots of fun learning through play and exploring. 

Our teachers is Mrs Foxall and our teaching assistants are Mrs Jamie, Miss Hope and Mrs Taylor. On Wednesday Mornings Mr Yates teaches us PE! 

Please remember:

  • Our P.E. day is on a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E. kit on this day. 
  • Make sure all items of clothing, book bags and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name.
  • Please ensure you are listening to your child read three times per week with a signed entry in the diary. 
  • Please keep wellies and a raincoat in school so that we can be outside in all weathers. In the winter, please make sure your child comes to school in a warm coat. In warmer weather please ensure your child has a sunhat and if necessary suncream applied. 
  • No toys are to be brought into school. 
  • Learning through play can be messy! We endeavour to keep the children clean using aprons but sometimes mess on clothes is unavoidable. 

Little Explorers

Here at St Michael's, we are blessed to have amazing school grounds. We make good use of our school ground and spend as much time as we can outside. We passionately believe that taking our learning outdoors provides the children with rich opportunities to learn real life skills, in an environment where they can seek adventure, make sense of the physical world around them and enhance their well-being!

September 2023

  • Autumn 1 & 2 - What if our lives never changed?

    Published 27/09/23, by Vicki Collett

    "Lord, you know everything there is to know about me. You perceive every movement of my heart and soul, and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind." – Psalm 139: 1-6

    This term, our topic is 'The History of Me!'. The children will be learning about themselves and their family members. They will also be looking at how their lives, and the lives of others, have changed over time. 

    The topic this term will support the children's journey to self-discovery. This journey will equip the children with tools to make connections with others, celebrate differences, and be respectful and kind. These qualities are deeply rooted in our Rainbow Values and Rainbow Rules and will support the children to flourish into self-reflective individuals. 


    To explore our topic in Autumn 1, we will be studying the following stories: 'Starting School' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, 'Peepo' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, 'When I was young' by James Dunbar and Martin Remphry and 'Mr Big' by Ed Vere. 


    To explore our topic in Autumn 2, we will be studying the following stories: 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson, 'The Blue Balloon' by Mick Inkpen, The Nativity and 'Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

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  • Autumn Newsletter

    Published 21/09/23, by Vicki Collett

    Please see the Autumn 1 Newsletter attached below. 

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September 2023